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Celebrating the Purple Starfish

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Celebrating the Purple Starfish

Why celebrate the Purple Starfish?

Not only are Purple Sea Stars an intertidal zone classic for all those that wander beaches but they are also a keystone species for BC waters. This means that they prey on creatures that normally don’t have any other predators and without them, the balance of a healthy ecosystem dies.

What is happening to the Purple Starfish?

Over the past decades the Sea Stars have become victim to a wasting disease brought on by warmer waters due to climate change.

What can we do to help the Purple Starfish?

It is the little things we do everyday that can help halt climate change and therefor help our little purple friends. You can consider picking up garbage on your beach walks, try zero waste/minimal waste bathroom products, bringing your own bags to grocery store, purchasing second-hand before new, skipping the plastic straw, and riding your bike a little more. Being perfectly imperfect with our eco-conscious ways is still a valiant effort. It's all about setting the intention and creating change in our daily habits, even if small steps at a time. To visualize the build of small efforts over time, consider the quote, "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard

To help our little purple friends thrive in their beautiful intertidal world, we are committed to donating $1 from each Starfish sticker sold towards the Vic High Marine Biology program as well as The Ocean Legacy Plastic Pollution Emergency Response.

Thank you for your support in keeping our oceans clean :)

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